Sunday, May 5, 2013

Our God is THE Healer

This morning has been a crazy one, to say the least!

Last night before going to bed, I was feeling some pretty tough back pain due to navigating the train stations with our luggage as we moved on to Guangzhou.  I have a history of my back going out, so I took (what I thought were) preventative measures (prescription meds), so that I would wake up ready to go get our girl today.

Well, when I woke up at 6:00 am, I attempted to roll over onto my side, but I could not!  I could not move due to the back pain.  I woke Randall up and told him what was going on.  We went into crisis mode.  Randall got me one of my prescription anti-inflammatory pills, and since we didn't have ice in the room yet, he put cold water bottles on my back.  After about an hour, I attempted to get out of the bed to walk.  I very clumsily got up, and could not get to a full standing position.  After walking about 10 feet, I had no strength left in my legs, and had to very painfully get back into the bed.

I began to sob!  Uncontrollable, ugly crying!  All I could think was, I don't want to miss out on this day.  I want to hold my baby girl.  I NEED to pick her up and love on her!

Randall immediately posted an urgent prayer request on Facebook, and God's people petitioned the ultimate healer on my behalf!

I have been amazed at how you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, have responded to our need with encouraging words, helpful advice, and most importantly prayer!  Many of you have prayed, many of you have shared our prayer request with others, and our church even prayed a special prayer for us as the Sunday evening service ended.

I want you guys to understand that when this problem has happened to me in the past, I have been stuck in the bed for 1-2 days.

I am so happy to tell you that God is THE Healer, and God DOES miracles today!
I am WALKING around our room, I have WALKED downstairs to get breakfast, and I have been able to get myself ready to meet our daughter!

I am continuing to ice my back, do stretches (that I have been advised to do by no less than 4 doctors that you guys contacted on my behalf), and take some meds to stop the swelling.

God has done a GREAT thing!  He has done a MIRACLE!
Thank you Father!

I am so honored to be a part of this miracle!  Although it is painful, nothing gives me greater pleasure than watching God move!  My God Answers!!!!!  

Only 2.5 hours until we get in the car to go meet our precious Eliana!


  1. PRAISE GOD!!! Rusty and I started praying as soon as we heard! I have been reading all your updates via phone the past few days (we don't have internet in our new place) and just got home so I can comment (I'm not very good at commenting from my iphone). SO glad to hear this great report! We will continue to pray! Can't wait to see pictures of you holding your precious baby girl!!!!! Love ya'll so much!

    1. Thank you, Ericka! This was not how I planned to start our "gotcha day," but it's so cool to see how God works all things for good!
