Tuesday, April 2, 2013

God Gives Endurance & Encouragement!

As you may already know, we are currently waiting on a very important step in our adoption process...Travel Approval!  Today is day 8 of our wait.  (This wait is generally anywhere from 7-28 days.)

Once we have TA we will be able to nail down our travel dates, and go get our precious little girl!

Just in case you haven't already heard (or witnessed), I (Candice) am quite the Type A person!
I like to make plans.  I like to feel in control of a situation (even if it's just an illusion).
Well, right now I have NO CONTROL!  
I have certainly tried to plan as best I can by coming up with different scenarios, but the situation is still completely out of my control.

So do you think maybe God is trying to teach me something???
Hmmm...to be honest, I'm really not in the mood to learn any lessons right now, but let me say, today has been a wonderful reminder of God's great LOVE to me in the midst of learning a hard lesson.    

God has gently and sweetly reminded me that HE is "the God who gives endurance and encouragement"  Romans 15:5.  

Wow!  He has whispered this truth to my soul this morning, and calmed me with His peace!
Thank you, Father!

This morning, I was blessed with an email as soon as I woke up that informed me that I had just won an awesome giveaway from Jiayin Designs.  They sell beautiful Chinese character charms and Chinese dolls.  The charm that I won is the Chinese character for "adopt."

I just LOVE that the Chinese character for "adopt" is made up of two characters that have been merged into one.  The first character means "To Gather Close," and the second character means "Raise Up."  How beautiful!

Then God so sweetly directed me to Romans 15:5 which promises that God gives endurance and encouragement.  ENDURANCE and ENCOURAGEMENT!  At a time when I am struggling with the wait (yesterday I was weepy and physically ill), He reminds me that He will give me the endurance to finish the race, and He encourages me with a beautiful reminder that very soon we will gather close as a family and raise our family up while following Him.  Praise Him!

I am so thankful for my Abba Father!


  1. Very timely post, I think all of us are in need of this encouragement, whether adopting or just living life, we need to know that He is in control and He also provides the endurance we need!

  2. Oh friend... so sad that this is day 8 - I know you were hoping for it to come in the first 7 days (and so was I!) Wish I could give you a big hug, but you're right - God is at work in this even when we don't understand the delay! I can't wait to hear that those two letters (TA) have finally come! LOVE YOU!
